H2H Team Comparison

You will be able to follow our detailed team comparison page for soccer matches for the day.

Deportes Tolima Percent
Home Matches
FT 4.5 Under 94%
FT 0.5 Over 90%
HT Under 2.5 86%
Double chance 1/X 84%
3.5 Under 79%
HT Under 1.5 68%
Double chance 1/2 67%
1.5 Over 66%
HT Over 0.5 62%
2.5 Under 59%
GG / BTTS Yes 54%
Half Time X 53%
Full Time 1 51%
FT Even 51%
Double chance X/2 49%
FT Odd 49%
GG / BTTS No 46%
Total Goals 2-3 45%
2.5 Over 41%
HT Under 0.5 38%
1.5 Under 34%
Half Time 1 34%
Total Goals 0-1 34%
Full Time X 33%
HT Over 1.5 32%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 28%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 22%
3.5 Over 21%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 21%
Total Goals 4-5 21%
Correct Score 1-0 18%
Full Time 2 16%
Correct Score 1-1 15%
HT Over 2.5 14%
Half Time 2 13%
Correct Score 2-1 12%
FT 0.5 Under 10%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 10%
Correct Score 0-0 10%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 9%
Correct Score 2-0 9%
Correct Score 2-2 8%
FT 4.5 Over 6%
Correct Score 0-1 6%
Correct Score 1-2 6%
Correct Score 3-1 5%
Correct Score 3-2 4%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 3%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 3%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 3%
Correct Score 3-0 2%
Correct Score 1-3 2%
FT 5.5 Over 1%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 1%
Correct Score 4-2 1%
Correct Score 0-2 1%
Correct Score 2-3 1%
Any other score 0%
Correct Score 4-0 0%
Correct Score 4-1 0%
Correct Score 5-0 0%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-3 0%
Correct Score 0-4 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Total Goals 6+ 0%
Once Caldas Percent
Away Matches
FT 4.5 Under 96%
HT Under 2.5 92%
FT 0.5 Over 87%
3.5 Under 86%
Double chance 1/X 80%
HT Under 1.5 72%
HT Over 0.5 69%
1.5 Over 65%
Double chance 1/2 65%
2.5 Under 64%
Double chance X/2 55%
FT Even 53%
GG / BTTS Yes 51%
Total Goals 2-3 51%
GG / BTTS No 49%
Half Time X 47%
FT Odd 47%
Full Time 1 45%
Half Time 1 39%
2.5 Over 36%
1.5 Under 35%
Full Time X 35%
Total Goals 0-1 35%
HT Under 0.5 31%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 30%
HT Over 1.5 28%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 27%
Correct Score 1-1 20%
Full Time 2 20%
Correct Score 1-0 15%
3.5 Over 14%
Half Time 2 14%
FT 0.5 Under 13%
Correct Score 0-0 13%
Total Goals 4-5 13%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 12%
Correct Score 2-1 11%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 9%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 8%
HT Over 2.5 8%
Correct Score 0-1 7%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 6%
Correct Score 2-0 6%
Correct Score 1-2 6%
Correct Score 3-0 5%
Correct Score 3-1 5%
FT 4.5 Over 4%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 3%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 3%
Correct Score 0-2 3%
Correct Score 1-3 3%
FT 5.5 Over 2%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 2%
Correct Score 2-2 2%
Any other score 1%
Correct Score 4-1 1%
Correct Score 4-2 1%
Correct Score 2-3 1%
Total Goals 6+ 1%
Correct Score 3-2 0%
Correct Score 4-0 0%
Correct Score 5-0 0%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-3 0%
Correct Score 0-4 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Date Home Rival HT FT
22/04/2024 Deportes Tolima Patriotas 0-0 2-1
24/03/2024 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Pereira 1-0 2-1
10/03/2024 Deportes Tolima Medellín 1-1 2-2
06/03/2024 Deportes Tolima Medellín 0-0 0-0
23/02/2024 Deportes Tolima Atlético Bucaramanga 0-0 0-0
04/02/2024 Deportes Tolima Millonarios 2-0 2-0
03/12/2023 Deportes Tolima Rionegro Águilas 0-0 0-1
26/11/2023 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Cali 2-1 4-2
30/09/2023 Deportes Tolima Boyaca Chico 0-0 2-0
15/09/2023 Deportes Tolima Medellín 0-1 1-1
02/09/2023 Deportes Tolima Atlético Bucaramanga 0-0 0-0
17/08/2023 Deportes Tolima Alianza Petrolera 0-0 2-0
12/08/2023 Deportes Tolima Atlético Huila 1-0 1-0
30/07/2023 Deportes Tolima Rionegro Águilas 1-1 1-1
22/07/2023 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 2-1 3-1
28/06/2023 Deportes Tolima Academia Puerto Cabello 3-1 3-1
07/05/2023 Deportes Tolima Alianza Petrolera 2-1 2-1
03/05/2023 Deportes Tolima Sao Paulo 0-0 0-0
27/04/2023 Deportes Tolima Jaguares de Córdoba 0-0 1-1
21/04/2023 Deportes Tolima Tigre 0-0 1-2
17/04/2023 Deportes Tolima Junior 0-0 0-1
26/03/2023 Deportes Tolima Atlético Huila 0-1 2-1
15/03/2023 Deportes Tolima La Equidad 0-0 1-0
10/03/2023 Deportes Tolima Junior 1-0 1-0
27/02/2023 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Cali 1-1 1-2
27/01/2023 Deportes Tolima América de Cali 1-0 2-1
23/10/2022 Deportes Tolima Millonarios 0-0 1-0
13/10/2022 Deportes Tolima Alianza Petrolera 1-0 2-0
26/09/2022 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Pereira 1-1 1-3
18/09/2022 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
04/09/2022 Deportes Tolima Cortuluá 0-0 0-0
22/08/2022 Deportes Tolima La Equidad 0-1 1-1
07/08/2022 Deportes Tolima Jaguares de Córdoba 0-1 2-2
28/07/2022 Deportes Tolima Medellín 1-3 1-3
24/07/2022 Deportes Tolima Atlético Nacional 0-1 2-2
15/07/2022 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Cali 0-0 2-0
11/07/2022 Deportes Tolima Medellín 0-1 1-1
30/06/2022 Deportes Tolima Flamengo 0-1 0-1
27/06/2022 Deportes Tolima Atlético Nacional 2-0 2-1
17/06/2022 Deportes Tolima Envigado 1-0 1-0
06/06/2022 Deportes Tolima La Equidad 0-0 1-0
19/05/2022 Deportes Tolima América Mineiro 2-2 2-2
15/05/2022 Deportes Tolima Envigado 0-1 1-1
01/05/2022 Deportes Tolima Cortuluá 1-0 3-2
21/04/2022 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Pereira 2-2 3-2
07/04/2022 Deportes Tolima Clube Atlético Mineiro 0-1 0-2
28/03/2022 Deportes Tolima América de Cali 1-0 1-0
17/03/2022 Deportes Tolima Patriotas 1-0 1-2
24/02/2022 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Cali 0-0 1-0
07/02/2022 Deportes Tolima Atlético Bucaramanga 1-1 2-1
01/02/2022 Deportes Tolima Unión Magdalena 1-1 2-1
23/12/2021 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Cali 1-0 1-2
17/12/2021 Deportes Tolima Alianza Petrolera 0-2 2-2
06/12/2021 Deportes Tolima Millonarios 1-1 1-1
03/12/2021 Deportes Tolima América de Cali 1-0 2-0
21/11/2021 Deportes Tolima Deportes Quindío 2-1 3-1
08/11/2021 Deportes Tolima Millonarios 3-0 3-2
29/10/2021 Deportes Tolima América de Cali 0-0 0-1
16/10/2021 Deportes Tolima Atlético Huila 0-0 1-0
07/10/2021 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Pereira 0-0 0-0
02/10/2021 Deportes Tolima Santa Fe 0-0 0-0
20/09/2021 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Cali 0-0 1-1
07/09/2021 Deportes Tolima Envigado 0-0 2-0
26/08/2021 Deportes Tolima Rionegro Águilas 0-0 1-0
14/08/2021 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Pasto 1-0 1-0
01/08/2021 Deportes Tolima Alianza Petrolera 0-0 1-1
18/06/2021 Deportes Tolima Millonarios 1-0 1-1
11/06/2021 Deportes Tolima La Equidad 1-1 1-1
26/05/2021 Deportes Tolima Red Bull Bragantino 1-1 1-2
29/04/2021 Deportes Tolima Talleres de Córdoba 0-1 1-1
13/04/2021 Deportes Tolima Atlético Bucaramanga 0-0 0-0
31/03/2021 Deportes Tolima Atlético Nacional 1-0 2-1
25/03/2021 Deportes Tolima Junior 0-0 0-1
17/03/2021 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Cali 2-0 3-0
13/03/2021 Deportes Tolima Jaguares de Córdoba 1-1 3-2
01/03/2021 Deportes Tolima Rionegro Águilas 0-0 1-0
20/02/2021 Deportes Tolima Patriotas 2-1 3-1
08/02/2021 Deportes Tolima Medellín 1-0 2-1
31/01/2021 Deportes Tolima La Equidad 0-0 1-0
28/01/2021 Deportes Tolima Deportivo Pasto 0-0 1-1
21/01/2021 Deportes Tolima Atlético Nacional 0-0 2-0
18/01/2021 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 0-0 1-1
16/11/2020 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 2-1 2-3
08/11/2020 Deportes Tolima Boyaca Chico 0-0 2-0
04/11/2020 Deportes Tolima Unión La Calera 1-1 1-1
25/10/2020 Deportes Tolima La Equidad 0-0 1-2
16/10/2020 Deportes Tolima Alianza Petrolera 2-0 3-1
07/10/2020 Deportes Tolima Millonarios 2-1 2-2
27/09/2020 Deportes Tolima América de Cali 1-0 1-0
09/03/2020 Deportes Tolima Patriotas 1-0 1-0
23/02/2020 Deportes Tolima Junior 0-0 0-0
20/02/2020 Deportes Tolima SC Internacional 0-0 0-0
12/02/2020 Deportes Tolima Macará 1-0 1-0
08/02/2020 Deportes Tolima Envigado 1-0 3-0
24/01/2020 Deportes Tolima Medellín 1-2 2-2
28/11/2019 Deportes Tolima Junior 2-1 2-2
21/11/2019 Deportes Tolima Cucuta Deportivo 0-0 0-1
14/11/2019 Deportes Tolima Atlético Nacional 1-0 1-0
25/10/2019 Deportes Tolima Patriotas 1-1 2-1
20/10/2019 Deportes Tolima Cucuta Deportivo 1-1 2-1
Date Home Rival HT FT
21/04/2024 Junior Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
13/04/2024 Fortaleza C.E.I.F. Once Caldas 0-0 2-0
31/03/2024 Deportivo Pasto Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
17/03/2024 Medellín Once Caldas 1-0 1-2
07/03/2024 Bogotá Once Caldas 0-1 0-2
02/03/2024 Deportivo Cali Once Caldas 0-0 0-1
28/02/2024 Millonarios Once Caldas 0-1 0-2
19/02/2024 Jaguares de Córdoba Once Caldas 1-0 3-0
11/02/2024 Atlético Bucaramanga Once Caldas 0-0 1-1
22/10/2023 Junior Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
09/10/2023 Boyaca Chico Once Caldas 0-1 2-1
26/09/2023 Alianza Petrolera Once Caldas 2-0 2-1
11/09/2023 Deportivo Pereira Once Caldas 0-1 1-2
30/08/2023 Deportivo Pasto Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
22/08/2023 Millonarios Once Caldas 1-0 2-1
05/08/2023 Rionegro Águilas Once Caldas 1-0 2-1
22/07/2023 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 2-1 3-1
15/05/2023 América de Cali Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
12/04/2023 La Equidad Once Caldas 1-0 4-1
01/04/2023 Envigado Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
21/03/2023 Atlético Huila Once Caldas 1-1 2-1
04/03/2023 Atlético Bucaramanga Once Caldas 0-0 0-1
19/02/2023 Deportivo Pereira Once Caldas 2-0 3-1
16/02/2023 Cucuta Deportivo Once Caldas 2-1 3-1
05/02/2023 Deportivo Cali Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
27/01/2023 Atlético Nacional Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
31/10/2022 Santa Fe Once Caldas 1-1 2-1
18/10/2022 Deportivo Cali Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
08/10/2022 Cortuluá Once Caldas 0-0 0-1
24/09/2022 Atlético Bucaramanga Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
18/09/2022 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
04/09/2022 Deportivo Pereira Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
23/08/2022 Deportivo Pasto Once Caldas 2-0 2-0
08/08/2022 Junior Once Caldas 0-1 1-2
25/07/2022 Medellín Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
08/07/2022 Unión Magdalena Once Caldas 1-0 2-2
24/04/2022 Atlético Nacional Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
21/04/2022 Atlético Nacional Once Caldas 2-0 3-0
19/03/2022 Millonarios Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
10/03/2022 Deportivo Pereira Once Caldas 0-0 0-1
17/02/2022 Patriotas Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
26/01/2022 La Equidad Once Caldas 1-0 1-2
21/11/2021 Deportivo Cali Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
06/11/2021 Envigado Once Caldas 1-1 1-2
28/10/2021 Atlético Nacional Once Caldas 1-0 2-0
17/10/2021 Deportivo Pereira Once Caldas 1-0 3-0
01/10/2021 Deportivo Pasto Once Caldas 0-1 0-1
18/09/2021 Medellín Once Caldas 0-1 3-1
28/08/2021 Deportes Quindío Once Caldas 0-1 2-1
22/08/2021 Junior Once Caldas 2-1 4-2
07/08/2021 América de Cali Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
29/07/2021 Medellín Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
25/07/2021 Jaguares de Córdoba Once Caldas 1-0 1-1
14/04/2021 Patriotas Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
01/04/2021 Rionegro Águilas Once Caldas 1-1 2-2
24/03/2021 Santa Fe Once Caldas 1-0 2-0
16/03/2021 Atlético Bucaramanga Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
02/03/2021 Deportivo Pereira Once Caldas 1-0 2-0
21/02/2021 La Equidad Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
13/02/2021 Alianza Petrolera Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
01/02/2021 Millonarios Once Caldas 2-1 4-3
18/01/2021 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 0-0 1-1
16/11/2020 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 2-1 2-3
13/11/2020 Deportivo Pasto Once Caldas 2-1 2-1
02/11/2020 Medellín Once Caldas 0-1 1-1
22/10/2020 Envigado Once Caldas 1-0 3-0
18/10/2020 Boyaca Chico Once Caldas 1-0 1-1
10/10/2020 La Equidad Once Caldas 1-0 2-0
03/10/2020 Alianza Petrolera Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
20/09/2020 Millonarios Once Caldas 1-2 1-3
02/03/2020 Deportivo Pereira Once Caldas 1-2 1-3
17/02/2020 Junior Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
05/02/2020 Envigado Once Caldas 0-0 0-1
25/10/2019 Deportivo Cali Once Caldas 1-1 2-1
13/10/2019 La Equidad Once Caldas 0-0 1-1
06/10/2019 Jaguares de Córdoba Once Caldas 1-1 2-1
01/10/2019 Envigado Once Caldas 1-1 1-3
22/09/2019 Rionegro Águilas Once Caldas 0-1 1-2
12/09/2019 Medellín Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
08/09/2019 Deportivo Pasto Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
25/08/2019 Junior Once Caldas 0-0 0-1
18/08/2019 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
15/08/2019 América de Cali Once Caldas 0-0 0-0
04/08/2019 Cucuta Deportivo Once Caldas 1-0 1-1
22/07/2019 Millonarios Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
05/05/2019 Unión Magdalena Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
29/04/2019 Atlético Huila Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
17/04/2019 Atlético Bucaramanga Once Caldas 1-1 1-1
05/04/2019 Medellín Once Caldas 1-0 1-1
25/03/2019 Santa Fe Once Caldas 0-1 0-2
11/03/2019 América de Cali Once Caldas 1-0 3-1
28/02/2019 Patriotas Once Caldas 1-0 1-0
17/02/2019 Alianza Petrolera Once Caldas 0-1 1-1
08/02/2019 Deportivo Santaní Once Caldas 1-0 1-1
16/11/2018 Rionegro Águilas Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
08/11/2018 Deportes Tolima Once Caldas 1-0 3-0
05/11/2018 América de Cali Once Caldas 0-0 1-1
02/11/2018 Atlético Nacional Once Caldas 1-0 2-1
21/10/2018 Patriotas Once Caldas 0-0 1-0
13/10/2018 Millonarios Once Caldas 1-1 1-1

13 May 2024 Monday Soccer Team Comparison

Our site offers football analysis, live scores, predictions and statistics, and teams and teams. In this section we summarize the statistics of football matches from all over the world.

Two teams from our team comparison page are analyzed in detail and the results are given. The home team match analyzes are analyzed according to the matches they play in their own home. The opponent team analyzes are only analyzed in the away matches only. Football matches are constantly updated.

Statistics included, six / above, first half results, according to the outcome of the match, the total goal, the first half will allow the results to match the results in depth. Germany, France, Spain and including the first two leagues in Italy, all the English league covers all major leagues, including also Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Denmark, Austria, Turkey, Greece and the biggest leagues in the US cover. Football Statistics data has been collected, analyzed and visualized to help you search for all numbers.

You can compare h2h before the match starts. Here it is easy to compare h2h statistics.