H2H Team Comparison

You will be able to follow our detailed team comparison page for soccer matches for the day.

MOL Vidi Percent
Home Matches
FT 0.5 Over 93%
HT Under 2.5 89%
FT 4.5 Under 83%
1.5 Over 82%
Double chance 1/X 82%
Double chance 1/2 74%
HT Over 0.5 74%
3.5 Under 70%
HT Under 1.5 63%
2.5 Over 58%
Full Time 1 56%
GG / BTTS Yes 55%
FT Even 52%
Total Goals 2-3 52%
FT Odd 48%
GG / BTTS No 45%
Double chance X/2 44%
Half Time 1 43%
2.5 Under 42%
Half Time X 40%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 37%
HT Over 1.5 37%
3.5 Over 30%
Total Goals 4-5 27%
HT Under 0.5 26%
Full Time X 26%
1.5 Under 18%
Full Time 2 18%
Total Goals 0-1 18%
FT 4.5 Over 17%
Half Time 2 17%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 16%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 16%
Correct Score 1-1 13%
Correct Score 2-1 12%
HT Over 2.5 11%
FT 5.5 Over 9%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 9%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 8%
Correct Score 1-0 8%
Correct Score 3-0 8%
FT 0.5 Under 7%
Correct Score 2-0 7%
Correct Score 1-2 7%
Correct Score 0-0 7%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 5%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 5%
Correct Score 4-0 4%
Correct Score 4-1 4%
Correct Score 0-2 4%
Correct Score 2-2 4%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 3%
Any other score 3%
Correct Score 3-1 3%
Correct Score 5-0 3%
Correct Score 0-1 3%
Total Goals 6+ 3%
Correct Score 4-2 2%
Correct Score 5-1 2%
Correct Score 1-3 2%
Correct Score 3-3 2%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 1%
Correct Score 3-2 1%
Correct Score 0-3 1%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-4 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-3 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Diósgyőr Percent
Away Matches
FT 0.5 Over 99%
HT Under 2.5 88%
Double chance 1/2 86%
FT 4.5 Under 83%
1.5 Over 81%
HT Over 0.5 70%
3.5 Under 68%
Double chance 1/X 65%
HT Under 1.5 65%
2.5 Over 63%
FT Odd 57%
GG / BTTS Yes 53%
Full Time 1 51%
Double chance X/2 49%
Total Goals 2-3 49%
GG / BTTS No 47%
Half Time 1 44%
FT Even 43%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 38%
2.5 Under 37%
Half Time X 37%
HT Over 1.5 35%
Full Time 2 35%
3.5 Over 32%
HT Under 0.5 30%
Total Goals 4-5 26%
1.5 Under 19%
Half Time 2 19%
Total Goals 0-1 19%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 18%
FT 4.5 Over 17%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 16%
Full Time X 14%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 13%
FT 5.5 Over 12%
HT Over 2.5 12%
Correct Score 1-2 12%
Correct Score 1-0 11%
Correct Score 2-1 10%
Correct Score 2-0 9%
Correct Score 0-1 7%
Correct Score 1-1 7%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 6%
Any other score 6%
Total Goals 6+ 6%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 5%
Correct Score 3-0 5%
Correct Score 1-3 5%
Correct Score 2-2 5%
Correct Score 0-3 4%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 3%
Correct Score 4-0 3%
Correct Score 5-1 3%
Correct Score 4-1 2%
Correct Score 4-2 2%
Correct Score 0-2 2%
FT 0.5 Under 1%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 1%
Correct Score 3-1 1%
Correct Score 5-0 1%
Correct Score 0-4 1%
Correct Score 0-5 1%
Correct Score 2-3 1%
Correct Score 2-4 1%
Correct Score 0-0 1%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 0%
Correct Score 3-2 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Date Home Rival HT FT
03/05/2024 MOL Vidi MTK 3-0 4-0
21/04/2024 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 0-0 1-1
06/04/2024 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 1-0 5-0
10/03/2024 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 0-1 0-2
18/02/2024 MOL Vidi Debrecen 1-0 1-0
21/01/2024 MOL Vidi Tekstilac 1-2 1-2
12/01/2024 MOL Vidi Hajduk Split 1-1 5-2
16/12/2023 MOL Vidi Paksi SE 2-0 3-0
02/12/2023 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 2-0 3-1
26/11/2023 MOL Vidi Kecskeméti TE 1-1 3-3
04/11/2023 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-1 2-1
28/10/2023 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 2-0 4-0
08/10/2023 MOL Vidi MTK 1-0 3-0
01/10/2023 MOL Vidi Varda SE 1-1 3-1
24/09/2023 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 1-0 3-3
27/08/2023 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 0-0 2-0
06/08/2023 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 1-2 3-5
20/05/2023 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 2-0 3-0
07/05/2023 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 1-0 1-1
22/04/2023 MOL Vidi Kecskeméti TE 0-2 1-2
08/04/2023 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-0 0-0
18/03/2023 MOL Vidi Budapest Honved 1-0 2-0
04/03/2023 MOL Vidi Vasas 1-1 2-1
18/02/2023 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 0-0 1-1
04/02/2023 MOL Vidi Debrecen 0-1 1-1
13/11/2022 MOL Vidi Varda SE 2-0 4-1
22/10/2022 MOL Vidi Paksi SE 1-0 1-1
19/10/2022 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 0-1 0-1
10/10/2022 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-0 0-1
07/10/2022 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 1-0 1-1
10/09/2022 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 1-0 2-1
31/08/2022 MOL Vidi Kecskeméti TE 1-1 2-1
25/08/2022 MOL Vidi FC Koln 0-1 0-3
07/08/2022 MOL Vidi Budapest Honved 2-0 4-0
04/08/2022 MOL Vidi FC Petrocub Hîncești 3-0 5-0
21/07/2022 MOL Vidi Gabala 1-1 4-1
14/05/2022 MOL Vidi Paksi SE 1-2 2-2
03/05/2022 MOL Vidi Budapest Honved 2-0 2-0
23/04/2022 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 1-1 2-2
02/04/2022 MOL Vidi Varda SE 2-3 5-3
13/03/2022 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 0-0 0-2
20/02/2022 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-0 1-2
05/02/2022 MOL Vidi Debrecen 1-1 1-2
18/12/2021 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 1-0 1-0
27/11/2021 MOL Vidi Gyirmót 1-1 3-2
07/11/2021 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 2-0 3-0
29/10/2021 MOL Vidi Paksi SE 1-0 2-1
16/10/2021 MOL Vidi Budapest Honved 1-0 2-1
25/09/2021 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 0-0 0-0
22/09/2021 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 0-0 0-1
21/08/2021 MOL Vidi Varda SE 1-0 2-1
08/07/2021 MOL Vidi FA Ararat 0-0 1-1
03/05/2021 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-0 0-0
25/04/2021 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 0-1 1-2
10/04/2021 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 2-0 4-0
10/03/2021 MOL Vidi Budafoki MTE 0-0 2-0
03/03/2021 MOL Vidi Paksi SE 1-0 2-2
20/02/2021 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 1-0 1-3
02/02/2021 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 0-0 0-0
30/01/2021 MOL Vidi Budapest Honved 1-1 1-2
18/12/2020 MOL Vidi Varda SE 1-0 3-0
15/12/2020 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 0-1 1-1
12/12/2020 MOL Vidi Budafoki MTE 3-0 4-1
28/11/2020 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 2-0 2-0
22/11/2020 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 1-0 3-0
31/10/2020 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 0-1 1-1
04/10/2020 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-0 5-1
24/09/2020 MOL Vidi Reims 0-0 0-0
12/09/2020 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 1-0 3-1
27/08/2020 MOL Vidi Bohemians 1-1 1-1
22/08/2020 MOL Vidi Paksi SE 0-0 1-1
23/06/2020 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 1-0 1-0
17/06/2020 MOL Vidi Debrecen 0-0 1-0
06/06/2020 MOL Vidi Varda SE 1-0 2-0
26/05/2020 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 0-1 2-2
14/03/2020 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 0-0 1-1
11/03/2020 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 3-0 5-0
29/02/2020 MOL Vidi Kaposvari Rakoczi 3-0 3-0
22/02/2020 MOL Vidi Zalaegerszegi TE 1-0 4-1
19/02/2020 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-0 1-0
08/02/2020 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 2-1 2-1
25/01/2020 MOL Vidi Budapest Honved 0-0 0-0
07/12/2019 MOL Vidi Paksi SE 0-0 0-2
23/11/2019 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 0-2 1-3
27/10/2019 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 0-1 1-2
05/10/2019 MOL Vidi Debrecen 1-1 2-1
28/09/2019 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 0-0 0-2
31/08/2019 MOL Vidi Varda SE 1-0 3-0
17/08/2019 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 1-1 5-1
04/08/2019 MOL Vidi Kaposvari Rakoczi 3-2 4-2
25/07/2019 MOL Vidi Vaduz 1-0 1-0
18/07/2019 MOL Vidi Zeta 0-0 0-0
11/05/2019 MOL Vidi MTK 1-1 4-2
27/04/2019 MOL Vidi Puskas FC 0-0 1-1
16/04/2019 MOL Vidi Debrecen 1-0 1-0
13/04/2019 MOL Vidi Ujpest FC 1-0 2-1
03/04/2019 MOL Vidi Ferencváros 0-0 2-0
30/03/2019 MOL Vidi Debrecen 0-0 2-1
16/03/2019 MOL Vidi Mezőkövesd-Zsóry 1-0 1-0
02/03/2019 MOL Vidi Varda SE 0-1 2-1
Date Home Rival HT FT
04/05/2024 Ujpest FC Diósgyőr 4-0 7-0
14/04/2024 MTK Diósgyőr 1-0 1-1
10/04/2024 Ferencváros Diósgyőr 2-0 2-1
30/03/2024 Zalaegerszegi TE Diósgyőr 2-0 5-1
09/03/2024 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry Diósgyőr 1-1 1-2
03/02/2024 Debrecen Diósgyőr 0-0 2-2
10/12/2023 Varda SE Diósgyőr 0-1 1-2
24/11/2023 Paksi SE Diósgyőr 3-0 4-1
04/11/2023 Puskas FC Diósgyőr 0-0 0-0
01/11/2023 Siófok Diósgyőr 0-2 1-3
28/10/2023 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 2-0 4-0
07/10/2023 Ujpest FC Diósgyőr 0-0 2-0
17/09/2023 III. Kerületi TUE Diósgyőr 1-3 2-6
02/09/2023 MTK Diósgyőr 1-0 2-1
18/08/2023 Zalaegerszegi TE Diósgyőr 0-1 1-3
05/08/2023 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry Diósgyőr 0-2 2-4
12/07/2023 Blau-Weiß Linz Diósgyőr 2-0 2-0
12/07/2023 České Budějovice Diósgyőr 1-1 1-2
09/07/2023 Nürnberg Diósgyőr 1-1 1-3
07/05/2023 Nyiregyhaza Spartacus Diósgyőr 0-0 1-1
23/04/2023 Kozármisleny Diósgyőr 0-1 2-3
13/04/2023 Budafoki MTE Diósgyőr 0-0 1-2
02/04/2023 Dorogi FC Diósgyőr 0-0 0-1
26/02/2023 Kazincbarcika Diósgyőr 1-0 1-0
29/01/2023 Soroksár SC Diósgyőr 0-2 0-5
27/11/2022 Győri ETO Diósgyőr 0-2 0-3
06/11/2022 Szeged 2011 Diósgyőr 0-2 0-3
22/10/2022 Mosonmagyaróvári TE Diósgyőr 0-0 0-3
09/10/2022 Békéscsaba Diósgyőr 0-0 1-2
02/10/2022 Szentlőrinc SE Diósgyőr 2-0 2-0
05/09/2022 Gyirmót Diósgyőr 1-1 1-2
22/08/2022 Pécsi MFC Diósgyőr 3-2 4-3
14/08/2022 Tiszakecske Diósgyőr 0-1 1-2
31/07/2022 Siófok Diósgyőr 1-0 1-0
01/05/2022 Budaörs Diósgyőr 1-1 2-1
18/04/2022 Szombathelyi Haladás Diósgyőr 0-0 1-0
20/03/2022 III. Kerületi TUE Diósgyőr 0-1 0-1
09/03/2022 Nyiregyhaza Spartacus Diósgyőr 0-0 1-0
27/02/2022 Pécsi MFC Diósgyőr 1-0 3-0
05/12/2021 Budafoki MTE Diósgyőr 0-0 0-1
24/10/2021 Tiszakecske Diósgyőr 0-1 1-2
26/09/2021 Békéscsaba Diósgyőr 1-0 2-2
12/09/2021 Győri ETO Diósgyőr 1-0 2-2
23/08/2021 Szolnoki MÁV Diósgyőr 1-0 2-0
15/08/2021 Siófok Diósgyőr 0-1 1-1
24/04/2021 Varda SE Diósgyőr 0-0 0-1
16/04/2021 Budafoki MTE Diósgyőr 0-1 1-2
03/04/2021 Zalaegerszegi TE Diósgyőr 1-0 2-0
23/02/2021 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry Diósgyőr 2-0 2-0
20/02/2021 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 1-0 1-3
12/02/2021 Ujpest FC Diósgyőr 0-0 1-0
03/02/2021 Puskas FC Diósgyőr 1-0 2-0
24/01/2021 Paksi SE Diósgyőr 2-0 2-1
20/01/2021 Ferencváros Diósgyőr 0-0 0-1
16/12/2020 Budapest Honved Diósgyőr 2-0 5-1
29/11/2020 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry Diósgyőr 1-0 2-1
22/11/2020 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 1-0 3-0
01/11/2020 Varda SE Diósgyőr 0-0 1-0
17/10/2020 Budafoki MTE Diósgyőr 1-0 2-1
26/09/2020 Zalaegerszegi TE Diósgyőr 2-1 3-1
24/06/2020 Paksi SE Diósgyőr 1-0 4-2
21/06/2020 Debrecen Diósgyőr 3-0 4-0
14/06/2020 Kaposvari Rakoczi Diósgyőr 1-0 3-0
07/06/2020 Ferencváros Diósgyőr 0-0 3-0
14/03/2020 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 0-0 1-1
29/02/2020 Budapest Honved Diósgyőr 0-0 0-4
22/02/2020 Varda SE Diósgyőr 1-0 2-2
05/02/2020 Puskas FC Diósgyőr 0-0 2-2
25/01/2020 Zalaegerszegi TE Diósgyőr 0-0 1-3
07/12/2019 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry Diósgyőr 0-0 0-1
23/11/2019 Ujpest FC Diósgyőr 0-2 0-2
09/11/2019 Budapest Honved Diósgyőr 1-0 1-0
30/10/2019 Dabas Diósgyőr 0-0 0-3
26/10/2019 Paksi SE Diósgyőr 0-1 1-2
19/10/2019 Debrecen Diósgyőr 1-0 2-1
28/09/2019 Kaposvari Rakoczi Diósgyőr 1-0 2-0
21/09/2019 Érdi VSE Diósgyőr 0-0 0-1
01/09/2019 Ferencváros Diósgyőr 1-0 1-0
17/08/2019 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 1-1 5-1
11/05/2019 Budapest Honved Diósgyőr 2-1 4-4
27/04/2019 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry Diósgyőr 1-0 3-0
13/04/2019 Varda SE Diósgyőr 0-1 1-1
30/03/2019 MTK Diósgyőr 2-1 2-1
16/03/2019 Debrecen Diósgyőr 1-0 1-0
02/03/2019 Ferencváros Diósgyőr 3-0 7-0
23/02/2019 Ujpest FC Diósgyőr 1-0 5-0
09/02/2019 MOL Vidi Diósgyőr 1-2 1-2
15/12/2018 Paksi SE Diósgyőr 1-1 1-2
05/12/2018 Budaörs Diósgyőr 0-0 5-3
01/12/2018 Szombathelyi Haladás Diósgyőr 0-0 1-1
03/11/2018 Puskas FC Diósgyőr 0-0 2-1
30/10/2018 Zalaegerszegi TE Diósgyőr 0-0 0-2
06/10/2018 Budapest Honved Diósgyőr 0-0 1-0
15/09/2018 Mezőkövesd-Zsóry Diósgyőr 3-0 4-2
25/08/2018 Varda SE Diósgyőr 0-1 1-1
11/08/2018 MTK Diósgyőr 0-0 1-0
04/08/2018 Debrecen Diósgyőr 0-0 2-0
22/07/2018 Ferencváros Diósgyőr 3-1 4-1
27/05/2018 Ferencváros Diósgyőr 2-0 4-0
12/05/2018 Debrecen Diósgyőr 2-0 2-1

18 May 2024 Saturday Soccer Team Comparison

Our site offers football analysis, live scores, predictions and statistics, and teams and teams. In this section we summarize the statistics of football matches from all over the world.

Two teams from our team comparison page are analyzed in detail and the results are given. The home team match analyzes are analyzed according to the matches they play in their own home. The opponent team analyzes are only analyzed in the away matches only. Football matches are constantly updated.

Statistics included, six / above, first half results, according to the outcome of the match, the total goal, the first half will allow the results to match the results in depth. Germany, France, Spain and including the first two leagues in Italy, all the English league covers all major leagues, including also Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Denmark, Austria, Turkey, Greece and the biggest leagues in the US cover. Football Statistics data has been collected, analyzed and visualized to help you search for all numbers.

You can compare h2h before the match starts. Here it is easy to compare h2h statistics.