H2H Team Comparison

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Urawa Reds Percent
Home Matches
FT 0.5 Over 89%
HT Under 2.5 87%
FT 4.5 Under 86%
Double chance 1/X 78%
3.5 Under 77%
1.5 Over 72%
Double chance 1/2 72%
HT Under 1.5 72%
HT Over 0.5 63%
2.5 Under 53%
GG / BTTS No 53%
FT Even 51%
Double chance X/2 50%
Full Time 1 50%
FT Odd 49%
Total Goals 2-3 49%
2.5 Over 47%
GG / BTTS Yes 47%
Half Time X 45%
Half Time 1 37%
HT Under 0.5 37%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 31%
1.5 Under 28%
HT Over 1.5 28%
Full Time X 28%
Total Goals 0-1 28%
3.5 Over 23%
Total Goals 4-5 23%
Full Time 2 22%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 18%
Half Time 2 18%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 15%
FT 4.5 Over 14%
Correct Score 2-1 14%
HT Over 2.5 13%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 12%
Correct Score 1-1 12%
FT 0.5 Under 11%
Correct Score 0-0 11%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 10%
Correct Score 1-0 9%
Correct Score 2-0 9%
Correct Score 0-1 8%
FT 5.5 Over 6%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 6%
Correct Score 3-0 5%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 4%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 4%
Correct Score 4-1 4%
Correct Score 0-2 4%
Correct Score 2-2 4%
Correct Score 3-1 3%
Correct Score 1-2 3%
Correct Score 6-0 2%
Correct Score 0-3 2%
Correct Score 2-3 2%
Correct Score 3-2 1%
Correct Score 4-0 1%
Correct Score 4-2 1%
Correct Score 5-1 1%
Correct Score 0-4 1%
Correct Score 0-5 1%
Correct Score 2-4 1%
Correct Score 3-3 1%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 0%
Any other score 0%
Correct Score 5-0 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-3 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Total Goals 6+ 0%
Kyoto Sanga Percent
Away Matches
HT Under 2.5 93%
FT 4.5 Under 91%
FT 0.5 Over 88%
3.5 Under 81%
HT Under 1.5 78%
Double chance 1/2 73%
Double chance 1/X 70%
2.5 Under 65%
1.5 Over 61%
GG / BTTS No 61%
HT Over 0.5 60%
Double chance X/2 57%
FT Even 50%
FT Odd 50%
Half Time X 49%
Full Time 1 43%
Total Goals 2-3 42%
HT Under 0.5 40%
1.5 Under 39%
GG / BTTS Yes 39%
Total Goals 0-1 39%
2.5 Over 35%
Full Time 2 30%
Half Time 1 27%
Full Time X 27%
Half Time 2 24%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 22%
HT Over 1.5 22%
3.5 Over 19%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 19%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 17%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 16%
Total Goals 4-5 16%
Correct Score 1-0 15%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 13%
FT 0.5 Under 12%
Correct Score 0-1 12%
Correct Score 0-0 12%
Correct Score 1-1 10%
FT 4.5 Over 9%
Correct Score 0-2 9%
HT Over 2.5 7%
Correct Score 2-0 7%
Correct Score 2-1 7%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 6%
FT 5.5 Over 4%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 4%
Correct Score 3-0 4%
Correct Score 3-1 4%
Correct Score 1-2 4%
Correct Score 2-2 4%
Any other score 3%
Total Goals 6+ 3%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 2%
Correct Score 4-1 2%
Correct Score 1-3 2%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 1%
Correct Score 3-2 1%
Correct Score 5-0 1%
Correct Score 0-3 1%
Correct Score 1-4 1%
Correct Score 3-3 1%
Correct Score 4-0 0%
Correct Score 4-2 0%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-4 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-3 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Date Home Rival HT FT
06/05/2024 Urawa Reds F. Marinos 1-0 2-1
28/04/2024 Urawa Reds Nagoya Grampus 1-0 2-1
20/04/2024 Urawa Reds Gamba Osaka 0-0 0-1
07/04/2024 Urawa Reds Sagan Tosu 1-0 3-0
30/03/2024 Urawa Reds Avispa Fukuoka 0-1 2-1
03/03/2024 Urawa Reds Tokyo Verdy 0-1 1-1
22/12/2023 Urawa Reds Al Ahly 1-2 2-4
19/12/2023 Urawa Reds Manchester City 0-1 0-3
29/11/2023 Urawa Reds Wuhan Three Towns 1-0 2-1
25/11/2023 Urawa Reds Avispa Fukuoka 1-1 2-3
12/11/2023 Urawa Reds Vissel Kobe 0-0 1-2
24/10/2023 Urawa Reds Pohang Steelers 0-1 0-2
20/10/2023 Urawa Reds Kashiwa Reysol 0-0 2-0
15/10/2023 Urawa Reds F. Marinos 0-0 2-0
04/10/2023 Urawa Reds TT Ha Noi 3-0 6-0
29/09/2023 Urawa Reds Yokohama 0-1 1-1
15/09/2023 Urawa Reds Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
10/09/2023 Urawa Reds Gamba Osaka 1-0 3-0
18/08/2023 Urawa Reds Nagoya Grampus 1-0 1-0
06/08/2023 Urawa Reds F. Marinos 0-0 0-0
12/07/2023 Urawa Reds Montedio Yamagata 0-0 1-0
08/07/2023 Urawa Reds Tokyo 0-0 0-0
28/06/2023 Urawa Reds Shonan Bellmare 1-0 4-1
24/06/2023 Urawa Reds Kawasaki Frontale 0-0 1-1
07/06/2023 Urawa Reds Kansai University 0-0 0-0
04/06/2023 Urawa Reds Kashima Antlers 0-0 0-0
31/05/2023 Urawa Reds Sanfrecce Hiroshima 0-0 2-1
24/05/2023 Urawa Reds Kawasaki Frontale 0-1 2-1
14/05/2023 Urawa Reds Gamba Osaka 1-1 3-1
10/05/2023 Urawa Reds Sagan Tosu 0-0 0-2
06/05/2023 Urawa Reds Al Hilal 0-0 1-0
19/04/2023 Urawa Reds Shonan Bellmare 1-1 1-1
15/04/2023 Urawa Reds Consadole Sapporo 0-0 4-1
26/03/2023 Urawa Reds Shimizu S-Pulse 1-0 1-1
18/03/2023 Urawa Reds Albirex Niigata 2-1 2-1
04/03/2023 Urawa Reds Cerezo Osaka 0-1 2-1
16/11/2022 Urawa Reds Eintracht Frankfurt 2-0 4-2
05/11/2022 Urawa Reds Avispa Fukuoka 0-0 1-1
12/10/2022 Urawa Reds Consadole Sapporo 0-0 1-1
08/10/2022 Urawa Reds Sagan Tosu 1-0 2-1
25/09/2022 Urawa Reds Cerezo Osaka 0-2 0-4
14/09/2022 Urawa Reds Cerezo Osaka 0-1 0-1
10/09/2022 Urawa Reds Kashiwa Reysol 2-0 4-1
22/08/2022 Urawa Reds BG Pathum United 2-0 4-0
10/08/2022 Urawa Reds Nagoya Grampus 2-0 3-0
30/07/2022 Urawa Reds Kawasaki Frontale 2-0 3-1
10/07/2022 Urawa Reds Tokyo 1-0 3-0
06/07/2022 Urawa Reds Kyoto Sanga 1-0 2-2
22/06/2022 Urawa Reds Thespa Kusatsu 0-1 0-1
18/06/2022 Urawa Reds Nagoya Grampus 3-0 3-0
21/05/2022 Urawa Reds Kashima Antlers 1-1 1-1
18/05/2022 Urawa Reds F. Marinos 0-3 3-3
13/05/2022 Urawa Reds Sanfrecce Hiroshima 0-0 0-0
24/04/2022 Urawa Reds Daegu 0-0 0-0
19/03/2022 Urawa Reds Júbilo Iwata 3-1 4-1
06/03/2022 Urawa Reds Shonan Bellmare 1-0 2-0
26/02/2022 Urawa Reds Gamba Osaka 0-0 0-1
23/02/2022 Urawa Reds Vissel Kobe 2-1 2-2
19/12/2021 Urawa Reds Oita Trinita 1-0 2-1
12/12/2021 Urawa Reds Cerezo Osaka 1-0 2-0
27/11/2021 Urawa Reds Shimizu S-Pulse 0-0 0-1
20/11/2021 Urawa Reds F. Marinos 1-0 2-1
22/10/2021 Urawa Reds Kashiwa Reysol 4-1 5-1
16/10/2021 Urawa Reds Gamba Osaka 0-0 1-1
06/10/2021 Urawa Reds Cerezo Osaka 1-0 1-1
18/09/2021 Urawa Reds Cerezo Osaka 1-0 2-0
01/09/2021 Urawa Reds Kawasaki Frontale 1-0 1-1
25/08/2021 Urawa Reds Sanfrecce Hiroshima 1-0 1-0
14/08/2021 Urawa Reds Sagan Tosu 1-1 2-1
07/07/2021 Urawa Reds Sagamihara 0-0 1-0
27/06/2021 Urawa Reds Avispa Fukuoka 1-0 2-0
20/06/2021 Urawa Reds Shonan Bellmare 1-1 2-3
13/06/2021 Urawa Reds Vissel Kobe 2-1 2-2
09/06/2021 Urawa Reds Kataller Toyama 0-0 1-0
30/05/2021 Urawa Reds Nagoya Grampus 0-0 0-0
22/05/2021 Urawa Reds Vissel Kobe 0-0 2-0
19/05/2021 Urawa Reds Yokohama 1-0 2-0
09/05/2021 Urawa Reds Vegalta Sendai 0-0 2-0
28/04/2021 Urawa Reds Shonan Bellmare 0-0 0-0
25/04/2021 Urawa Reds Oita Trinita 1-2 3-2
11/04/2021 Urawa Reds Tokushima Vortis 0-0 1-0
03/04/2021 Urawa Reds Kashima Antlers 1-1 2-1
27/03/2021 Urawa Reds Kashiwa Reysol 0-0 0-1
21/03/2021 Urawa Reds Kawasaki Frontale 0-1 0-5
17/03/2021 Urawa Reds Consadole Sapporo 0-0 0-0
27/02/2021 Urawa Reds Tokyo 0-0 1-1
19/12/2020 Urawa Reds Consadole Sapporo 0-0 0-2
12/12/2020 Urawa Reds Shonan Bellmare 0-0 0-0
22/11/2020 Urawa Reds Gamba Osaka 0-0 1-2
24/10/2020 Urawa Reds Cerezo Osaka 2-1 3-1
18/10/2020 Urawa Reds Vegalta Sendai 3-0 6-0
04/10/2020 Urawa Reds Nagoya Grampus 0-0 0-1
30/09/2020 Urawa Reds Tokyo 0-1 0-1
26/09/2020 Urawa Reds Yokohama 0-2 0-2
20/09/2020 Urawa Reds Kawasaki Frontale 0-1 0-3
09/09/2020 Urawa Reds Sagan Tosu 0-1 2-2
29/08/2020 Urawa Reds Oita Trinita 2-1 2-1
23/08/2020 Urawa Reds Vissel Kobe 1-1 1-2
15/08/2020 Urawa Reds Sanfrecce Hiroshima 1-0 1-0
05/08/2020 Urawa Reds Matsumoto Yamaga 0-0 1-0
Date Home Rival HT FT
03/05/2024 Tokyo Kyoto Sanga 2-0 2-1
27/04/2024 Vissel Kobe Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-1
24/04/2024 Parceiro Nagano Kyoto Sanga 1-2 2-2
13/04/2024 Kashima Antlers Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
03/04/2024 Gamba Osaka Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
29/03/2024 Tokyo Verdy Kyoto Sanga 0-2 2-2
09/03/2024 Kawasaki Frontale Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-1
25/02/2024 Kashiwa Reysol Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-1
25/11/2023 Cerezo Osaka Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-1
12/11/2023 Kawasaki Frontale Kyoto Sanga 2-3 3-3
30/09/2023 Sagan Tosu Kyoto Sanga 1-1 3-2
15/09/2023 Urawa Reds Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
03/09/2023 Vissel Kobe Kyoto Sanga 1-1 2-1
12/08/2023 Tokyo Kyoto Sanga 1-0 2-0
08/07/2023 Gamba Osaka Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
01/07/2023 Kashima Antlers Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
11/06/2023 Albirex Niigata Kyoto Sanga 0-1 1-3
04/06/2023 Sanfrecce Hiroshima Kyoto Sanga 0-0 3-1
24/05/2023 Gamba Osaka Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-1
19/05/2023 Consadole Sapporo Kyoto Sanga 1-1 2-1
07/05/2023 F. Marinos Kyoto Sanga 1-1 4-1
29/04/2023 Kashiwa Reysol Kyoto Sanga 0-1 1-1
09/04/2023 Avispa Fukuoka Kyoto Sanga 0-0 2-1
26/03/2023 Tokyo Kyoto Sanga 2-0 5-0
18/03/2023 Yokohama Kyoto Sanga 1-1 1-4
12/03/2023 Shonan Bellmare Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-2
25/02/2023 Nagoya Grampus Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
05/11/2022 Júbilo Iwata Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
12/10/2022 Kawasaki Frontale Kyoto Sanga 2-0 3-1
01/10/2022 Sagan Tosu Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-1
18/09/2022 Tokyo Kyoto Sanga 1-0 2-0
27/08/2022 Shimizu S-Pulse Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
30/07/2022 Gamba Osaka Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-1
13/07/2022 Tochigi Kyoto Sanga 1-1 1-2
10/07/2022 Avispa Fukuoka Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-0
06/07/2022 Urawa Reds Kyoto Sanga 1-0 2-2
22/06/2022 Shimizu S-Pulse Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-1
18/06/2022 Kashima Antlers Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
04/06/2022 Nagoya Grampus Kyoto Sanga 1-0 6-1
25/05/2022 F. Marinos Kyoto Sanga 1-0 2-0
21/05/2022 Sanfrecce Hiroshima Kyoto Sanga 2-1 3-1
18/05/2022 Kashiwa Reysol Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-1
07/05/2022 Consadole Sapporo Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
03/05/2022 Nagoya Grampus Kyoto Sanga 1-1 1-1
23/04/2022 Sagan Tosu Kyoto Sanga 1-0 3-0
20/04/2022 Consadole Sapporo Kyoto Sanga 0-0 4-1
17/04/2022 Kashiwa Reysol Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-2
02/04/2022 Vissel Kobe Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-3
12/03/2022 Shonan Bellmare Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-1
26/02/2022 Cerezo Osaka Kyoto Sanga 0-1 1-1
28/11/2021 JEF United Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
20/11/2021 Fagiano Okayama Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
07/11/2021 Júbilo Iwata Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
30/10/2021 Ehime Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-1
17/10/2021 Thespa Kusatsu Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-1
02/10/2021 V-Varen Nagasaki Kyoto Sanga 1-0 2-0
18/09/2021 Montedio Yamagata Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-2
07/09/2021 Matsumoto Yamaga Kyoto Sanga 2-1 2-2
04/09/2021 Ventforet Kofu Kyoto Sanga 1-0 3-0
22/08/2021 Mito Hollyhock Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-2
11/07/2021 Giravanz Kitakyushu Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-2
07/07/2021 Kashiwa Reysol Kyoto Sanga 1-1 1-2
19/06/2021 Zweigen Kanazawa Kyoto Sanga 1-2 1-2
06/06/2021 Tochigi Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
23/05/2021 Albirex Niigata Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-1
05/05/2021 Ryūkyū Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
25/04/2021 Renofa Yamaguchi Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-2
21/04/2021 Tokyo Verdy Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-2
11/04/2021 Machida Zelvia Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-1
28/03/2021 Blaublitz Akita Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-0
28/02/2021 Sagamihara Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-2
13/12/2020 Avispa Fukuoka Kyoto Sanga 0-0 2-0
06/12/2020 Ehime Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-1
29/11/2020 Matsumoto Yamaga Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
15/11/2020 Mito Hollyhock Kyoto Sanga 0-1 2-1
08/11/2020 Tochigi Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
25/10/2020 Ryūkyū Kyoto Sanga 0-1 2-1
14/10/2020 Machida Zelvia Kyoto Sanga 1-0 3-0
04/10/2020 Júbilo Iwata Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-2
30/09/2020 JEF United Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
19/09/2020 Ventforet Kofu Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
09/09/2020 Thespa Kusatsu Kyoto Sanga 0-2 0-2
02/09/2020 Omiya Ardija Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
29/08/2020 Tokyo Verdy Kyoto Sanga 2-0 2-0
19/08/2020 Albirex Niigata Kyoto Sanga 0-1 1-1
16/08/2020 Zweigen Kanazawa Kyoto Sanga 1-0 2-0
08/08/2020 Montedio Yamagata Kyoto Sanga 2-2 3-4
29/07/2020 Fagiano Okayama Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-1
25/07/2020 V-Varen Nagasaki Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-0
15/07/2020 Giravanz Kitakyushu Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-0
04/07/2020 Tokushima Vortis Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-1
23/02/2020 Renofa Yamaguchi Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-0
24/11/2019 Kashiwa Reysol Kyoto Sanga 4-1 13-1
10/11/2019 Ryūkyū Kyoto Sanga 0-0 0-3
27/10/2019 Albirex Niigata Kyoto Sanga 1-0 3-1
12/10/2019 Renofa Yamaguchi Kyoto Sanga 0-0 1-0
28/09/2019 Kagoshima United Kyoto Sanga 0-1 0-1
21/09/2019 V-Varen Nagasaki Kyoto Sanga 1-0 1-0
08/09/2019 Fagiano Okayama Kyoto Sanga 2-0 3-0
31/08/2019 Tokushima Vortis Kyoto Sanga 0-0 2-1

15 May 2024 Wednesday Soccer Team Comparison

Our site offers football analysis, live scores, predictions and statistics, and teams and teams. In this section we summarize the statistics of football matches from all over the world.

Two teams from our team comparison page are analyzed in detail and the results are given. The home team match analyzes are analyzed according to the matches they play in their own home. The opponent team analyzes are only analyzed in the away matches only. Football matches are constantly updated.

Statistics included, six / above, first half results, according to the outcome of the match, the total goal, the first half will allow the results to match the results in depth. Germany, France, Spain and including the first two leagues in Italy, all the English league covers all major leagues, including also Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Denmark, Austria, Turkey, Greece and the biggest leagues in the US cover. Football Statistics data has been collected, analyzed and visualized to help you search for all numbers.

You can compare h2h before the match starts. Here it is easy to compare h2h statistics.